- Getting started with webpack - Tutorial for absolute beginnersWebpack is a module bundler for JavaScript applications. In plain English, webpack creates a dependency graph of all files (using imports/require statements, plugins, loaders, etc.). Using this dependency graph, webpack outputs the bundled code.
- How to use error boundaries in react?Error boundaries are the react components that help us to catch errors in the render phase. By using Error Boundaries we can also show a fallback UI if something goes wrong (Like an uncaught error).
- Getting started with CSS variablesIf you have used SASS or other CSS preprocessors, you might have already used Variables. CSS variables (also referred as custom properties) are native implementation of them in the browser.
- How to use Local Storage in JavaScript?Local storage allows us to store the data in the user's browser. The data stored will not be deleted even after the browser is closed.
- Null vs Undefined in JavaScript in 1 minI always had a small confusion between null and undefined in JavaScript.